Interested in becoming a FamilyPHONE and FamilyMINUTES distributor?
Host a FamilyLIFE Demonstration Party Introduce your
acquaintances to 7-TEL’s products. They will recognize the value of a
FamilyLIFE package and will have fun funding out just how much they can
save with the FamilyPHONE.
Distributors: You will learn what you need to know about hosting a
FamilyLIFE Demonstration Party by attending a
distributor event .
You don’t have to be a distributor to host a FamilyLIFE Demonstration
Party. If you are interested being a host and getting free 7-TEL
merchandise, you can contact your
local distributor to arrange a date for a Demonstration Party. Your
distributor well bring along demonstration equipment, literature and
FamilyLIFE merchandise.